Current Events
Title: Kanye West bruises his head as he walks into sign.
When: The event happened on Friday may the 10 2013.
Who: Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Photographers were involved.
Where: It was held in Beverly Hills.
What: When Famous Rapper/Artist takes a walk with Kim Kardashian, then suddenly bumps into a sign then he gets angry at the photographers.
Why or How It happened: It happened when Kanye west walked into a sign then got all angus and said stuff.

What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article? That humiliating famous people could possibly go wrong.
List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.
Paparazzi means: A freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get photographs of them.
Depicts means: 1 Portray in words; Describe. 2 Show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
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