
Monday 10 June 2013

1981 Springbok Tour

1981 Springbok tour

Rugby supporters eagerly anticipated the first Springbok tour to New Zealand since 1965. Opponents associated the Springboks with the racist South African apartheid regime and urged the government to stop the tour. It refused and the team arrived on 19 July. Anti-tour campaigners tried to halt the tour’s progress by blocking roads and attempting to invade rugby grounds. Running street battles and violent clashes between tour opponents and supporters became commonplace. Struggling to control events, the police batoned protesters, with bloody results.

Ben Schrader. 'Public protest - Protest marches', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 13-Jul-12

List the people for the tour -
List the people against the tour -

Look at this site for more detailed information:

Complete this table from the information you have read:

Colour of their skin
They had heaps of fights
Rugby games getting ruined
Black against White
No one is winning games (points 0-0)

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