This is me in Ukulele group
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Key Questions
Key Questions About
The Crimean War
1 What caused the Crimean war ?
Britain and France were scared that Russia could overwhelm Turkey and get a foothold in the Mediterranean.
The win of the alliance between France, Britain, Turkey and Sardinia, they stopped Russia from reach that task.
The passage of Dardanelli and Bosphorus had to be closed to all warships transit unless authorized by the Turkish Government from time to time.
2 What the effect of the war was?
The Crimean War frightened the European order crafted by Prince Metternich in 1815 and resulted in new alliances that altered the power of Europe.
3 How the war was resolved?
4 What caused the charge?
The Charge of the Light Brigade was a charge of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. Lord Raglan, overall commander, had intended to send the Light Brigade to pursue and harry a retreating Russianartillery battery near the front line, a task well suited to light cavalry. Due to miscommunication at some level in the chain of command, the sabre-armed Light Brigade was instead sent on a frontal assault into a different artillery battery, one well-prepared with excellent fields of defensive fire.
6xTimes Tables
I got all my 6x's right and if you want to know the link here it is.
Monday, 24 June 2013
Synonyms for went
go, left, departed, took of, gapped it, traveled, split, bounced, jetted, journeyed, worked, set off, flee, vanished, blitzed it, ran, walked, strolled, ambled, hiked, crawled, limped, hopped, rushed, wriggled, tiptoed, raced, drove, cycled, skipped, crept, dawdled, tramped, trudged, ran, flew, snuck, hobbled, gassed, blitzed, sassed, jogged, ran, skedaddled, skipped, flew, went, searched, arrive, issue, move, get, retreat, enter, withdraw, quit, get, blow,
These are other words for went.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Current Event's
Current Events
Title: Kanye West bruises his head as he walks into sign.
When: The event happened on Friday may the 10 2013.
Who: Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Photographers were involved.
Where: It was held in Beverly Hills.
What: When Famous Rapper/Artist takes a walk with Kim Kardashian, then suddenly bumps into a sign then he gets angry at the photographers.
Why or How It happened: It happened when Kanye west walked into a sign then got all angus and said stuff.

What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article? That humiliating famous people could possibly go wrong.
List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.
Paparazzi means: A freelance photographer who pursues celebrities to get photographs of them.
Depicts means: 1 Portray in words; Describe. 2 Show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
My speech
Phones Why don't we bring phones
to school is it because of the teachers or is it
because of the teachers or is it because of
the kids.
Kids should be allowed to bring Mobile phones to
Panmure Bridge School for yr 7 & 8’s because theres
wifi and if it rains kids can text or call their parents to
pick them up if they have credit but it also means that
people can listen to music at lunchtime and at morning tea.
Although if we do this now there will be a catch which is
totally not fair. So If we bring phones to school we wouldn’t
be allowed to use it during working times and if we do then
our cell phone will be confiscated till the end of the day, and
I know that is a bit sad but at least we can still bring it.
A phone is a device which everybody should have
because of its amazing features and of what you can
do with it for example you can take photos listen to
music text your girlfriend call your mum and you can
also connect to free Mcdonalds wifi but thats not all
you can do, theres many other things to do.
Schools like Pakuranga Intermediate and of course
Colleges are very lucky because they are allowed
phones at their school because they have kind teachers
I bet the yr 8’s bring their phones to school anyway
not saying any names but I’ve seen those kids with
phones not saying any names again.
I have seen well not really but I have
heard what teenagers do to themselves just
remembering that theirs kids here but they do
overrated stuff because of cyber bullying and I'm afraid
that that's why we are not allowed to bring phones to school.
But kids wouldn't get bullied on their phones because
they wouldn't have anybody’s number except for their
friends and they wouldn't bully their friends or would they.
So for the teachers principal please go home
and think about this curse you have put upon
us and that Phones in Panmure Bridge School
is the right thing.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Today's Number NO.270
Today’s Number:
Write it in words
two hundred and seventy ✔
Write it as an expanded number
200 + 70 ✔
Add 3
273 ✔
+ 25
295 ✔
Subtract 5
265 ✔
- 17
253 ✔
Next 3 even numbers
272, 274, 276 ✔
Double it
540 ✔
Last 4 odd numbers
269, 267, 265, 263 ✔
Half of it
135 ✔
10% of it is
27 ✔
25% of it is
67.5 ✔
⅓ of it is
90 ✔
Multiply by 6
1620 ✔
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6
I need to practise:
- percentages
Friday, 14 June 2013
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
LI: To understand what a percentage is and how to work it out
Percentage means out of 100
Below are squares with 100 parts.
40% have red dots
50%✓ have blue dots.
10 % have Green✓ dots.
| |
27% have green dots
23% ✓have Red dots.
20 % have Black✓ dots.
30% have orange ✓dots.
| |
27% have green dots✓
28% ✓have yellow dots.
30% have Purple dots.
15%✓ have pink dots.
Fill in the tables by following the prompts:
15% have blue dots
30 % have yellow dots
25% have black dots
The rest have red dots.
30% have red dots
32% have black dots
15 % have green dots
28% have grey dots
The rest have red dots.
15% have red dots.
19% have grey dots
41% have blue dots
35% have yellow dots
The rest have red dots.
5% have red dots.
Work out the percentages of these numbers:
Find 50% of the following amounts:
a) 12 6 ✓
b) 100 50 ✓
c) 24 12 ✓
d) 42 21 ✓
e) 400 200 ✓
f) 7 3.5 ✓
Find 25% of the following amounts:
a) 12 3 ✓
b) 60 15 ✓
c) 40 10 ✓
d) 100 25 ✓
e) 24 6 ✓
f) 42 12 ✓
3) Find 10% of the following amounts:
a) 20 2 ✓
b) 50 5 ✓
c) 80 8 ✓
4) Find 5% of the following amounts:
a) 20 1 ✓
b) 50 2.5 ✓
c) 80 4 ✓
5) Find 15% of the following amounts:
a) 20 3 ✓
b) 50 7.5 ✓
c) 80 12 ✓
Today I learnt to:
Do 25% and 15%
I still need to practise:
answering faster
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