
Wednesday 29 May 2013


                                                           Current Events
L.I: To summarise information about a current event 

TITLE: ‘Cost-cuts will take beach lifesaver jobs’

WHEN: It doesn’t say when it happened but it was published on the 22nd of may.⇃

WHO:The lifeguards and the SLSNR⇃

WHERE: It is in Whangarei to Raglan⇃

WHAT: The SLSNR wanted to take the lifeguards away from some beaches⇃

WHY or HOW it happened: SLSNR isn’t making enough money.⇃

What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article? That Lifeguards are important because they save lives. To support the life guards saving lives is better than money.⇃

List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings. Outraged-Fierce,anger and shock.⇃ Concerned-Worried,troubled or anxious.⇃

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