
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Des Hunt

This is our visitor Des Hunt


                                                           Current Events
L.I: To summarise information about a current event 

TITLE: ‘Cost-cuts will take beach lifesaver jobs’

WHEN: It doesn’t say when it happened but it was published on the 22nd of may.⇃

WHO:The lifeguards and the SLSNR⇃

WHERE: It is in Whangarei to Raglan⇃

WHAT: The SLSNR wanted to take the lifeguards away from some beaches⇃

WHY or HOW it happened: SLSNR isn’t making enough money.⇃

What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article? That Lifeguards are important because they save lives. To support the life guards saving lives is better than money.⇃

List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings. Outraged-Fierce,anger and shock.⇃ Concerned-Worried,troubled or anxious.⇃

Thursday 23 May 2013


This is my flip book about Des Hunt visiting us.

Monday 20 May 2013

Dictionary Words Meaning

LI: find and write the dictionary meanings of our words so that we can use them with understanding.

Our Topic Words:

  • Machinery or equipment used for knowledge.
  • Becoming different.
  • Gone by in time or no longer existing.
  • Time regarded as still to come.

  • Take in and understanding fully.

  • Asking for help.
  • The penalty inflicted.
  • punishment.
  • A set of steps to follow.
  • A instructor or to show or explain.

   These are the dictionary meanings of the words I need to know so I can use them in with understanding in our inquiry.

Thursday 9 May 2013

KWL Whats Next

This a screenshot of my KWL chart on what's next . I wrote down what I know.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Differences Between Asian And African Elephants

This is my Lucid chart presentation on the difference between Asian and African elephants.

KWL Chart

This is a screen shot of my KWL chart.

Anzac Thinkers Keys

This is my Anzac Thinkers keys presentation. It shows that I had to think deeply about about the questions.

Inside brochure

This is my inside Brochure about Anzac day

Front Brochure

This is my Front Brochure 

Screenshot Of Blog Comment

I have taken a sreenshot of my comment on Andres X-tra Maths scores.

X-tra Maths Scores

This is my X-tra Maths score on addition, The green represents what I got right and the orange means I took more than 3 seconds to answer and the blue is the ones that I got wrong.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Conflict Information report

In the Vietnam war the youngest soldier killed was a 16 year old. The American dads married Vietnamese women and their kids would have two cultures that were in the vietnam war.
The war started in 1957 and ended in 1975.
North Vietnam wanted South Vietnam to have the same rules and became communists. Some people in South Vietnam wanted that to happen, they were known as the Viet Cong. North Vietnam  and  the Viet Cong were known as the Coalition Forces. They fought against the Allied Troops of South Vietnam, South Korea, USA, Australia, and NZ.

During the war the communists from the Soviet Union and China were trying to spread Communism throughout the world. Because both countries are in close proximity to Vietnam, they decided that they should invade to spread their form of government. They used guns, tanks and Agent Orange to kill the 6,00,000 people who died in the Vietnam War.
In 1974 America  packed up and left because it was a War they couldn’t win. All of the soldiers were sent home and those knew  in death were also sent home. There are heaps of  soldiers still missing for.
After the war ended in April of 1975 an independent Vietnam finally unified - people began to write their histories of the war.

The oldest man killed was 62 years old and the youngest killed was 16 yrs old.