
Monday 8 April 2013

Eastern Beach Recount: Roswell

                 EASTERN BEACH

One blazing cloudless summers day Panmure bridge school had a field trip to Eastern beach, the beach that our school goes to every year. We travelled in four buses. I was in the bus with my class, Mrs anderson and Room 6. Mrs Anderson was taking pictures and people were posing and saying not to take a picture of them, but everyone could tell they really they wanted a picture.

We arrived at our destination and removed ourselves from the buses.
“Thank you,” I hear people saying to the bus driver.
We walked to our area and suddenly I see this man in a wetsuit with sunscreen on his face. It looked as if he was our principal Mr Johnston, was trying to disguise himself. There were teachers and  parents everywhere that were guiding us to where we sat. We were told to sit down in front of Mr Johnston to listen to the instructions. He was speaking really loudly because his microphone wasn’t working.

Group One went kayaking first, while the rest of us ate our morning tea and played around. I didn't get to swim because my nana didn’t give me permission  to swim because I was misbehaving the week before.

It was time for Group Two to go kayaking.  
“OHHHH!” I moaned. My friends were in that group and we were in the middle of a game. Luckily it didn’t really matter because I started playing with someone else. After a while it was  Group Three’s turn to go kayaking.
Finally my friends were back. They got dry and we carried on our game.

I had fun at the beach because my friends were there and we all had fun. I hope I go again.

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