
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Day and Night

Day and Night

In the day children sprint to the park,
and their parents run along a crooked pathway.

At night parents stroll,
and children march towards
the tree by the pathway.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Friday 14 September 2012

A boy’s head

                                            A boy’s head

In it there is a superhero
and a project
for doing away with a maths test.

And there is
a villain,
that shall be first.

And there is
an entirely new world,
an entirely new prime minister,
an entirely new playstation.

There is a boy
with superpowers.

There is a writing test.

There is an antivirus.

And it cannot be controlled.

I believe
that only what can not be controlled
is a boy’s head.

There is much promise
in the circumstance
that so many people have heads.

Roswell Alofaga